Twitzxc. [:

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    Wednesday 22 April 2009

    Control yourself, take only what you need from it.

    School was good today, although I missed Geog. remedial. Darn it.
    Went back home to change before meeting up with CG for prata lunch. Well, not exactly. Most of us were late so we didn't eat together. Fee & ZY had effects meeting so had to leave earlier. So only left me, JJ & Joyce.
    Was an interesting meal with both of them. JJ was practically making those wierd noises of hers every now & then, be it eating her tissue prata or playing her PSP. You really are turning into an ah soh, my friend. Haha.
    Candy came by later after school & was oh-so-excited to tell us about the new clothes she bought. Trust me, you'll die laughing at how she expressed her 'joy'.
    Joyce took a cab home while the rest of us took bus home. Had conference with effects crew over the present for Pst Lia's birthday this coming Sunday. Seems to be a very interesting one so will be looking forward to making it. Speaking of which, KS just informed us drummers that we'll be putting up a performance this Sunday too! Got rehearsals this Thurs & Fri so I'm totally stoked about it.

    On a 'lighter' note, just had Mum's home-cooked kangtang curry fish & prawns. Ohmygoodness, the curry was sedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap siol! Hmmm but it seems to be taking a toll on my weight, even Colin says I've gained weight. Gotta control myself from eating too much. No more sushi buffets for awhile I guess.

    Hmmmm gym, anyone? :/

    Kids - MGMT

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