Twitzxc. [:

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    Sunday 5 October 2008

    Eh oh wassuppzxc friendly kahoonies.
    Nothing much today except that I've got some stuffs that I feel that I have to get off my chest.

    You know how us teens nowadays tease each other by calling names right?
    I mean, there's the one that you use animal names. Maybe that person's surname happens to be say, "Quek". Then you go on call him a duck.
    Then, there is the one about someone's looks. Perhaps that person has a dark complexion. & then you come along & call him "Bangla" or "Ah Neh".
    Of course, there's the ever-popular "your mum, your dad" tease.
    We go around everyday & teasing our friends with these methods. We have this mentality that because we do it everyday, the receiving end of such teasing would be used to it & maybe even laugh about it. But have we ever thought about what will happen if one day that person is in a bad mood or smth bad happened in his life & we unknowingly pass off such remarks?

    Imaging this, somehow you just say, "Walau, why you do things like that one?! Go die luh you! Haha." & that person happens to be in a real bad mood & he took those remarks to heart & really went to commit suicide. Would you be able to take responsibilty for unknowingly causing someone's death? Would you be able to erase the thoughts of how you wish you could turn back time?
    The one thing that people nowadays fail to see is that our tongue & the words that comes out of our mouths can have a very huge impact on the receiving end. If we said smth bad to that person or we gossip about that person behind his/her back, we could've most prolly just killed his/her dreams & perhaps his/her spirit. You could have also just broke that person's heart. & all these can happen in a flash, just by the words that we say. Certain ppl practice double standards & can be nice to one person at one point & be bad behind that person's back at another point.
    I'll end here but think about it people, wouldn't it be great if one day people could learn to stop such gossiping & uneccessary teasings & actually learn to love & appreciate each other?

    I would love that, wouldn't you?

    "Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
    And those who love it will eat its fruit."

    - Proverbs 18:21

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