Twitzxc. [:

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    Thursday 2 October 2008

    This War Is Ours.

    Eh oh wassuppzxc friendly kahooniesssssssssss.
    Gyea, finally got some spare time to blog a little. Exam periods are always hectic if you haven't notice.
    Currently revising Physics & Geog. Really satisfied with my History paper today, confident that I'll pass it somehow.
    Hopefully, the remaining papers (Phy, Geog, Chem, Maths2) would be relatively okay for average passes. I need them grades badly.
    Anyways, ETF pre-released another song off their new album coming out later this mth. It's the title track of the album called "This War Is Ours". For fans of ETF, this is part 2 of their previous song, "The Guillotine". Strangely, both parts are inspired by the XBox game, Halo. Go figure.

    Follow-up with Fee at 2pm.
    Prayer Meeting at 4pm.
    Combined CG at 5pm. Heard its a very important one.

    Been feeling refreshed recently, have no idea why.
    But at the same time, I feel like I've lost touch with some ppl around me.
    Perhaps its the exams? Or maybe its smth else...

    "I cant believe the troubles that you've caused.
    The pain is getting stronger, like an open wound without the gauze.
    It's on my brain, it's driving me insane.
    It's on my mind all of the time and if it left, I would be fine."

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